Minerva Admissions and Enrollment Certification

At Minerva, we believe in fair, equitable and meritocratic processes. We believe that our applicants and admits also observe high ethical standards. To clarify what we consider unfair or unacceptable, read below:

  1. Multiple Applications: Applicants are not permitted to have more than one application open in an academic year. This means that an applicant cannot apply more than once to Minerva within the 2024-2025 academic year. Applicants with more than one application or applicants who have tried to re-access already completed elements within an academic year will be disqualified.
  2. Consulting Outside Resources: During timed requirements in the Admissions Center, applicants are not permitted to consult or use any resources including other people, previously taken notes, books or the internet.
  3. Recording or Reproducing: The Minerva application and platform are proprietary. Applicants who share screenshots, videos, recordings of any kind, or any other reproductions of any timed testing can be disqualified.

The points above are a high-level summary of our ethical standards during the admissions process. There are more specifics below if you want to read further.

You must be completely forthright and accurate in Your application and enrollment materials. By applying for admission to the academic programs of the Minerva University ("MU"), You, as an applicant or enrolling student or you as a counselor (or other representative of an education institution or employer) submitting information on behalf of an applicant or enrolling student, certify to MU and Minerva Project that the information You provide contains no material omission, is complete, accurate and not misleading. This certification applies to, but is not limited to a student’s: disciplinary record, online application, self-reported, counselor-provided and/or officially submitted transcript(s) (whether by You and/or Your educational institution and/or any of its representatives), accomplishments, assessments, oral and written structured assessment, and any scores related to student’s English language skills. By submitting statements of accomplishments, assessments and oral and written structured assessments, You as an applicant or enrolling student certify that each is Your sole and exclusive work product or with respect to team accomplishments, You certify You have completely, fairly and accurately portrayed the relative contribution of Your own work to the team’s. MU reserve(s) the right to deny, rescind, and/or revoke an offer of admission during the admissions process, after an admissions offer has been made, after registration and enrollment, and even after the conferral of a degree or honors, including but not limited to for the following reasons:

  • discovery of a misrepresentation, material omission or materially misleading statement made during the admissions or enrollment process
  • prior to the first day of Fall enrollment, You experience a significant drop in Your academic performance, a failure to graduate (in Your current program), or a failure to satisfy a prerequisite or condition of admission or enrollment
  • You engage in behavior prior to the first day of Fall enrollment that demonstrates a serious lack of: judgment; respect for the rights, property, physical safety or well being of others; honesty or integrity.
  • You engage in any action that would reasonably be determined by the MU or Minerva Project, acting in good faith, to diminish, disparage or devalue either’s reputation or goodwill.

MU further reserves the right to require You to provide additional information and/or authorize the release of information by your education institution about any such matter, and, if applicable, to place a hold on Your enrollment and/or the conferral of a degree or honors during an investigation into any such matter.

The determination that admission or enrollment is denied or an offer of admission rescinded or revoked rests solely with MU and not with any student disciplinary body or process, regardless of when the discovery of information occurs that leads to the denial or rescission of admission.

For purposes of these provisions and any admissions and enrollment information and documentation You submit, You is defined as you as an individual, regardless of change in name, gender or other form of identification.

As a condition of applying for admission to and/or enrolling at MU, You accept all these provisions.