If a Minerva University student is in need of help, please reach out to the appropriate resource below. For life threatening emergencies, call for immediate help or go to the nearest hospital emergency room.
Emergency Numbers

110 – Police

107 – Ambulance

100 – Police

112 – Police

110 – Police
Minerva Staff Member Emergency Contact Information

CCI Report Form
If you are a Minerva faculty or staff member with a non-urgent situation that may need a coordinated response, please fill out this form. If you are not a Minerva faculty or staff member, please use other resources listed on this page.
Telus Health
For urgent mental health concerns that are not immediately life threatening, Minerva partners with Telus Health for global, 24/7 phone and chat support at no cost to students. If you are having thoughts about self-harm, indicate that when you are prompted and they will help you right away. If that is not part of your experience, you will be able to talk to someone within 24 hours, usually much sooner. Visit their site for the current numbers and chat service: myssp.app
General Concerns
For non-urgent concerns about a currently enrolled student, please contact studentlife@minerva.edu.
Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)
Minerva University has a team of professionals that offer culturally-informed counseling and psychological services for currently enrolled students. For non-urgent psychological concerns about a Minerva student contact caps@minerva.edu.
Prohibited Sexual Conduct
Any report of Prohibited Sexual Conduct, as defined by our policy, will be taken seriously and addressed promptly. Minerva will act to end the prohibited conduct, prevent its recurrence, and provide appropriate remedies to affected parties.
For concerns about sexual assault and relationship violence please contact psc@minerva.edu.